About Zara Finchley

My name is Zara Finchley. I hit the big three-O in 2013 and I appear to be eternally single.

One step ahead along Regent Street - 19 July 2014
Copyright © 2014 The Zara Finchley Project

I am a new breed of single woman: out with the Bridget Jones Syndrome and in with being the Established Professional Female.

There isn't a pair of stomach sucking in pants in sight, nor a stagnant career, calorie counting spreadsheet or a trail of cigarette ash following me. I have a BSc degree from a top 10 UK university and a professional career in finance in London.

I have been actively dating since 2012, notching up 43 first dates (as of May 2014), the majority of which have been sourced from Match.com. During this time, I have learnt about modern dating and served as an adviser to my friends and colleagues.

Having experienced the ups and down, and despair of modern dating, this blog details my adventures and my thoughts on modern dating; from the perspective of an established professional female city girl.